Expanding collections of Artists’ Publishing
with the
in collaboration with the
Women’s Art Library and PSS imprint.
DAAP have been successful in gaining important Heritage Lottery Funding to continue our work in supporting several small organisations, including the Women’s Art Library, Goldsmiths, and PSS imprint, in building their own archives on the DAAP.
The first of the projects at WAL, will work towards making visible the Artists’ Books held in the collection there, so that these can become more widely recognised. Through detailed information, including anecdotal histories, the works become more accessible via the online format of the DAAP, within the context of Artists’ Publishing.
Archiving workshops
The Heritage Lottery Funding will support DAAP archival team members Jessa Mockridge and Francis Whorral-Campbell to work closely with the Librarian at WAL in identifying materials from the WAL collections which will then be collaboratively uploaded into the DAAP through participatory workshops, with artists, publishers, and other contributors. The programme of workshops will also raise awareness about the ethical archival practices enabled via the DAAP platform, while supporting artists and publishers to add anecdotal histories and contextual descriptions to their materials on their own terms.

The Women's Art Library/Make is an important collection of documentation dedicated to women's art practice and critical contribution to visual arts.
The Women’s Art Library is housed in Goldsmiths, University of London in the Library’s Special Collections, supported by a program encouraging artistic research in the archives and material collections of artists’ documentation and publications. These projects are in turn ‘archived’ and expand the range of ways women’s art practices can be experienced through this collection.
PSS imprint is an independent publisher of printed matter, working with a variety of practitioners across art, poetry and theory, producing original publications as well as reprinted and unarchived text.
They have worked with many important emerging, as well as more established writers and artists, such as Victoria Sin, Rehana Zaman, Daniella Valz Gen, Catarina Barroso-Luque, Imani Robinson, Rowan Powell and Taylor Le Melle.