UNPUBLISH:OUTSOURCED by Tara Kelton Or-bits.com commission

UNPUBLISH:OUTSOURCED by Tara Kelton Or-bits.com commission

UNPUBLISH:OUTSOURCED by Tara Kelton Or-bits.com commission

UNPUBLISH:OUTSOURCED by Tara Kelton Or-bits.com commission
by Tara Kelton
Publisher: Banner Repeater and orbits.com, 2013
Printed by Print Xpress, Bangalore, India.
12 - page folded paper, edition of: 500. 18.8 x 24.5 cm. Colour - digital print.
ISSN 2050-795X
Banner Repeater and orbits.com commissioned publication by Tare Kelton for UN-PUBLISH:OUTSOURCED. A two-part exhibition project with artist Tara Kelton and Prayas Abhinav organised by or-bits.com for Banner Repeater's serial publication: UN-PUBLISH.
All images in Catalogue were found by Tara Kelton on the computers at Shalu's Photos Digitals, a photography studio in Bangalore, India. In August 2013, Kelton gave instructions to the team at Shalu's for producing a new body of work for her forthcoming exhibition project KARIZMA*. These instructions were werbal and did not require the artist to produce any images. Instead, she asked the workers/employees at Shalu's to use the digital images on their computers. Kelton visited the studio daily to oversee the production of the commissioned artworks.
'Enhanced' portraiture is among the service provided at Shalu's. Photographs of customers against a green screen are combined with stock images to create fantastical portraits. The images in this publication are all .psd files taken from the digital image libraries used at Shalu's.
*Catalogue is part of KARIZMA, a new body of work that Kelton produced for UN-PUBLISHED: OUTSOURCED, a two part exhibition project organised by orbits.com for Banner Repeater.